Liebster Blog Award

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Hey Loves, I hope your all doing well.
 Today's post is a little different and I was nominated by the lovely Joela  for the Liebster award which is to recognise other emerging bloggers like myself.

Thanks hun!

I have been asked to share 11 random facts about myself aswell as answering 11 different questions about myself which that I have answered below. Hopefully this gives you a better idea about me!

11 random facts

1. I am the eldest of 4 siblings
2. I am obsessed with youtube
3. I am Nigerian
4. I am a Christian
4. I 
am freelance Make up Artist

5. I am super good at finding the best bargains
6. I change my hairstyle nearly every month if possible
7. I really can't stand cats( they stare which is creepy)
8. I take way too many selfies
8. I study Fashion design
9. I want to marry a musician
10.  I'm quite a good singer
11. I hate fish

 11 Questions
1. Do you have any pets if so what?
I don't have any pets.

2. Your current favourite makeup brand?
I have 2 Sleek and Rimmel

3. If there was one country you could live in where and why?
United States, I just love the shopping malls

4. What made you start a blog?
I started my blog because I always get asked about my hair, makeup and outfits and also to share my love for beauty and fashion.

5. Favourite food?
At the moment duck spring rolls and tikka bites(yummy)

6. What country do you live in?
United Kingdom

7. What makes you smile?
Music, music ,music , spending time with my girls, shopping , makeup & Youtube!!

8. Boots or Coats?
Oh gosh both!

9. A million dollar house or £100,000?

10. Favourite Youtuber?
I have two favourites
Shirley b Eniang and Beautybyjj

11. Would you prefer short or long hair?
Long hair

 I hope this has helped you guys to know more about me :)

Here are the questions for the bloggers that I am nominating

1. How would you describe your style in 3 words?
2. What is favourite makeup and clothing brand?
3. Who is your favourite Youtuber?
4. What made you start a blog?
5. What item of clothing can you not live without?
6.  Who is your style crush?
7. What country would you love to visit?
8. Statement necklace or statement shoes?
9. What is your favourite quote?
10. Who is your favourite Youtuber?
11. Monochrome or Neon?

The Bloggers I am nominating are

Here are the rules ladies:

1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.
2. You must answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you.
3. You pick 11 nominees with under 200 followers to answer your questions.
4. You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
5. You must tell the nominees that they have been nominated by you.


  1. thanks so much for nominating me! I now have over the amount of followers you're meant to have to do the tag, but I really appreciate it thank you X
